Thinking about Checking Out....


Premium Member
Thinking about leaving the hobby.... The tank is kinda in bad shape, GHA, Cyano and Dinos all moved in after I was forced to move my house due to divorce and I can't get any of it under control. Spare time is now down to a premium.. so I don't know if I have time to repair these issues.

What's the going rate for a 75 gallon setup with 400w MH, 10 Gal Sump, CSS 250 Skimmer, 19" HOB Fuge?

Livestock includes: Heni, Tang, Formerly Breeding Pair of Clowns, CB Shrimp, Royal Gramma, Orange spot goby, serpent star.

Corals if still alive are: Toadstool, Mushrooms, Yellow Polyps

Would NOT be interested in parting it out.
Don't go, what have you tried?? also post a pic if you can, so we can get an idea of how bad. I've been battling gha for 8 months now thought about leaving hobby for a bit but still going.
Also did a quick check on your posts. did you every get a ro unit or getting ro water from someone?? if not i talked to you a few months ago and i'm 5 min away i can always spare some ro/di water.
Not to rain on your parade, but here's what I just got - 50 breeder, custom drilled with overflow, acrylic sump, mag return pump, heaters, half bag of salt, magnum HOT, aquaclear 500, loads of coral skeletons the guy used for decoration, and a custom cherry colored stand. $33 on ebay. Beautiful set up, but with the economy in rough shape people aren't spending on fish like they used to. Do I think I got a steal - you bet. I'm relatively new to this hobby, but I think the money is better for guys who part out.