Thinking about turning my reef into an aggressive? Any Advice


New member
I have a 92G corner tank reef, well its not that good of a reef. So right now in it I have2 damsels, 2 clowns, and a hippo tang, I will remove the damsels and small clown to put with my corals in a seperate tank. I was thinking of getting a dwarf lion but Im afraid it will sting my other fish? Any ideas on getting started will be greatly appreciated, thanks
You need to worry more about it eating your other fish. What kind of clowns do you have, and how big are they? Even dwarf lionfish can get to a pretty big size, certainly big enough to swallow most clownfish.

Lions also make a lot of waste, which can make keeping your water pristine more difficult. The other problem with lions is that sometimes they'll rest on top of your corals. I'm saying all this not to dissuade you, but just so you know what to look out for.

Thanks Dave, the plan was to remove the corals, which are only mushrooms :( I think the artificial coral looks better because there're bigger and will never die ;) So I was going to put the mushrooms in my 12G nanocube. Then I have a yellow taieled blue damsel, a 2in ocelaris and a 2in green chromis which I could move to the nano cube withe the mush rooms. I have a clarki clown about 3in that I think is big enough to stay in the main tank. If lions are to hard to keep I don't really want one because my luck with fish is very bad. What do you think does it sound good? I just want a tank that people will look at and be surprised with cool looking fish and also colorful looking fish
hey fishy,

i saw you posted about my lion as well. First, all of those fish will be snacks for your lion, i had 3 damsels for my cycle and my lion ate 2 of 3 in less than 12 hours, also you need a large protien skimmer and a very good filtration system as someoen said they do produce alot of waste..

so with that said if you can managa all of that then by all means there great fish! but be carefull of what lion you buy do to you only have a 98 gallon tank. My russels is in a 205

if ayou have any other questions let me know
thanks, I really like the looks of the lion, but I was thinking of getting a dwarf for now, a small one. I don't know if I can keep up with all that, but I am really thinking about changing my tank so I can have better fish, like triggers and stuff. Will there be a chance though of the lion stinging fish? Like when it's time to feed them? thanks again That was my 900th post by the way ;)
The only time my fuzzy went to sting my Pinktail was during feeding time, But my Pinktail was trying to take the fish right out of my fuzzies mouth......

Otherwise I have not had any problems during feeding, I think you would be fine, just feed your fuzzy with a feeder stick.
Lions are not aggressive fish, if there was another fish harassing the lion than yes it could happen....
It can be tough getting dwarf lions to eat non-live food. Make sure it's doing this before you introduce him to your tank.

A yellowtail damsel will likely beat the crap out of an ocellaris and chromis in a 12g tank.

Be very, very, very careful mixing triggers and lionfish. Many triggers can pick down the venomous spines of lionfish without getting stung, and essentially pick the lions to death (large angelfishes are pros at this also). Rhinecanthus triggers are especially good at this.

good point wolverine,

i would say pick one or the other,, triggers or lionfish cause housed together "can" be problems
i agree though it's a had choice to make go either lion or trigger though some peole have sucess it's not worth losing a lion to see if it will work out for u. un les of course u have a huge tank.
There have been problems with triggers & lions ....... if you really want to keep a trigger & lion look more at the Xanthichthys Species. They are know to be mild mannered triggers, this species includes Bluethroat, Crosshatch & Sargassum.

The Niger & Pinktails can be hit or miss, I do keep a pinktail with my lions & have for a few years But they are in a 300g tank.