Thinking outside the box for Nitrates


New member
ok. This is a real off the wall idea, and i luckily have no need to implement but i thought id post this to see what your thoughts are: (no flaming)

This stems from all the nitrate questions i read on the different forums.

we all know nitrates are a PITA to control on some systems, well digest this idea and tell me if you think it could work.
I'm constantly told Chaeto is the winner in nitrate reduction. usually stemming from overfeeding and such. Well, most keepers build a fuge with low flow/sand bed (sometimes) and refugium lighting (5500k). OK, what a lot of work and hassle i thought when i was building my system. These are great for large volumes of chaeto.
What if you had a smaller tank with a smaller sump and rediculous flow? Well, one way would be to somehow segragate some of the flow at a lower speed through the sump right? no, this cannot work on a smaller sump (won't fit with all the pumps etc).
Whats the alternative?
Get hold of a cheap well made phospan reactor. Plumb it for VERY low flow. Output back to the sump. Add chaeto to the reactor and shine the light directly at it (5500k). maybe you could also add some of the nitrate reducer i sometimes see sold. that also requires very low flow.
light would be one of those power saver lights you find at home depot for cheap that have around 5500 kelvin

Would this work?????