Thinning SPS Corals

I am led to believe its nutrients... I had this same problem a while back when I basically stopped water changes, stopped aggressively feeding and well.. basically did nothing so that I could drop the nutrient levels in my tank.

Alk Cal and Mag stayed constant but as the nutrient levels fell I experienced lighter colors along with thinning branches. Some branches have even failed to continue to grow and new sprigs are coming out from around them now that the levels are back on track and the water changes are back to normal.

ULNS can be a bad thing if things are not done right.
I had the same problem also. For a year i watched my sps get thin and pale. I never seen any bugs.One day i zoomed all the way in on one with my camera and there they were. Red bugs. Treated them and polyps started coming out better but color was still pale. Started feeding fish more and started feeding corals oyster feast and now seeing color that i hadn't seen since i got the corals. I do believe my sps thined because i was starving them of nutrients.

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