Those of you with HOB overflows


Premium Member
Curious as to how many people use a prefilter on the overflow? I currently use those whitish cylinder shaped sponges on my overflow, but I'm starting to go through them more rapidly now and tired of having to order them... My current setup goes from the overflow into a small sump that has my cheto in it, and from there goes to two other sumps one has my skimmer with a constant water level and the other has the return pump. Not sure if I should go without the sponges.. not sure if that will gum up my cheto or what. thoughts? ;)
Could you substitute fiber floss for the sponges? Its really cheap and works really well. Save you some $$$$$$$$ anyway. Not sure about hurting anything, but it will help with water clarity.

I don't use an HOB overflow, but I drilled my 55gal and the first stop in the sump before the fuge is a fiberfloss chamber I change the floss weekly to biweekly. Clear as clear can be for my SPS.


Keep a filter before the macro or the macro will look like a dirty filter and just make nitrates.