I need to pull a weed from the yard but I have been avoiding it all summer long. Its getting fairly large now and it has to go. I always avoid leaves of 3
but my neighbor thinks this is poison. Any others have an opinion?
Poison Ivy is shiny....the vine in your photos dont look like they have a gloss to them...just wear some gloves and yank it out. make sure you get the root or it will return.
That there is "Virginia Creeper". You can usually tell a creeper by the trenchcoat and bare legs...oh wait..that's the Washington Creeper!
Virginia creeper won't cause any rashes or anything. Sometimes the smaller leaves grow with just 3 leaves, and they look eerily like poison ivy, but once you see the 5 leaves then you don't have to worry as long as you can trace them to the same stem (I have some virginia creeper and poison ivy that grow next to eachother) . They have berries that look similar to wild grapes that are mildly toxic, but now I'm probably just getting into TMI....
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