Time for a stand, metal help needed


Tang Cop
Premium Member
I am going to have a friend weld a stand for my 300 glass (8' X 30" deep 25" tall). Before I go any further, I want to know what size square tubing would be best.

I originally thought about 2" with a wall thickness of 3/16". Now I'm leaning towards 1/4" wall thickness. Will the 1/4 be enough or do I need thicker?
I used 2" x 2" x .125" for my 210. I made two "tables" for the tank to sit on. Each one had tubing around the perimeter and then where the two center braces are. I then seperated them 2" and welded them together, probably overkill, but gives me piece of mind. Heres some pics....


Thanks guys, I was beginning to wonder if anyone had suggestions.

It looks like your doubled up on some of the supports. Do you think that could have been avoided by using larger tubing?

If that will hold your tank, I think it will be overkill on mine. But will work just fine!