Time to change my bulbs!!


Premium Member
Ok I know this type of thread is getting tiresome, but I would appreciate some advice as I have not been following current bulb trends.

My ballast is an old 250W magnetic pulse-start ballast. I also have 110W VHO URI Super Actinics.

I need a bulb that will give me a nice blueish look. I currently have XM 10ks and I hate them (though my corals love them). Too yellow for me. I used to have CV10ks and they had a nice blue look, but they muted a lot of colors. I want something with a more blue look and decent PAR and at the same time gives me good coloration (no muting!)

I heard good things about the EVC and the CV Reeflux. Any recomendations, pics, comparisons? 10k vs 14k?

Thanks in advance!!
I liked the Phoenix 14K for the bluish tint. But now I'm using the XM 10K and like the color better.
i am going to turn om my reeflux's today. Ill let you know how i like them. There is a big post somewere on bulbs. You should look for it and read.

He did a lot of comparison. So you can choose for yourself what you like. Thats what i did and i picked the reeflux. tons of comparison pics
i am going to turn om my reeflux's today. Ill let you know how i like them. There is a big post somewere on bulbs. You should look for it and read.

He did a lot of comparison. So you can choose for yourself what you like. Thats what i did and i picked the reeflux. tons of comparison pics
Yeah I've seen it, the one by JB NY. Great article, but unfortunately, none of the pictures look anything like the actual lighting on my tank, so I really don't like to make a decision based on the pictures. I let the pictures influence my decision past two years and I wasn't really happy with what I bought (actually I didn't mind the CVs, but the XMs are friggin yellow!).

I was hoping for maybe pictures with brighter lighting or advice by someone with similar lighting taste as me.
I have run with hamilton 14k for the past two years and change to the xm 15k. I also run mag ballasts and the output is stronger when compare the specs from the different sites between the two bulbs that is the reason for the bulb change and the idea of losing a couple of the hamiltons over the years, they both have a tint of blue that I like.
supertech, how are you liking the XM15ks? Good blue color? Does it mute certain colors? How do they compare to the Hamiltons?