Time to transfer fish over finally!


Active member
Hey all,

So the past few weeks I have been in the middle of an upgrade from a 28g to a 50g. I know this isn't a huge jump, but it was the first time in my 15 or so years of reef keeping actually transferring and upgrading to a new tank rather than just starting over.

My coral was transferred a few days ago and seem to be doing and adjusting well. My lid from TopLids (highly recommend) just came yesterday, which is basically what I was holding out on before adding fish. My plan was this:

I have 4 total fish. Two clowns, flame hawkfish, and a purple pseudochromis.

Put the two clowns in a bag together and then the hawkfish and pseduo in separate bags. So 3 total bags with my 28g tank water which is set at 1.025.

Take them home to my new house (10 min away) and float the bags for 15 minutes or so to temp acclimate. My 50g is sitting at 1.026.

I can now either A) Get them right in the tank due to matching salinity or B) Acclimate for 45 minutes to an hour, adding a bit of tank water to the bags every 12 minutes or so.

I know I am over thinking this a bit, but I have had these fish for over 6 years and want everything to go smoothly.

What do you all suggest?
If salinity is the same, then just put them in. The temp in 10mins isn’t going to be that huge of a drop and neither will pH.

Just put them in a bucket with airstone and then dump
All in the same bucket? I don't have an airstone, is that necessary for a 10 minute trip. Should be plenty of o2 in a bucket with a lid?
I wouldn't worry about a ten minute drive with an airstone. I've done far more time without an airstone in a five gallon.
That was my thoughts too. Either way, everyone think its safe to put the 4 fish in the same bucket with a lid and then add them directly to the tank since SG matches? Or should I add some tank water a little at a time over the course of 45 minutes or so?