Toadstool Question??


New member
I have had a toadstool leather in my tank know for 3 months. When the lights go out at night it slowly flops over, the stalk bends in half and the top rest on the rock. During the day it stands upright and extends its polyps.

Any idea whats going on, and how can I fix it??
That is normal behavior, as it is kind of resting after the lights go out. Don't worry about it, there is nothing to fix in this case.
I agree, as long as he is extending polyps he is doing well. If he gets a film on him, then you need to worry.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7562746#post7562746 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hens4Fish
I agree, as long as he is extending polyps he is doing well. If he gets a film on him, then you need to worry.

Ours get film on them occassionally, and they seem fine. They've been doing this for about 2 years now. They seem to "shed". Now, I don't know why they do it, but the bigger one does it more frequently than the smaller one does. Once the film starts sluffing off, I usually finish removing it with the turkey baster. I'm too impatient I guess.
Is this the same film you're talking about, or is there a different one?