Toadstool sheds too much???


Active member
Hi guys, for the past three weeks my toadstool has been sheding once a week. Its a quick shed ... the crown gets super shinny then overnight it sheds and the next day it looks better than ever... polyp extension is dramatically better too. I am just conserned if too constant shedding is a good or bad thing? Looks healthier than ever after shedding.

May not a bad thing... It's probably growing at a fast rate or the water parameters are changing often causing it to react.
Mine did that until I changed it's location in the tank. I had it in a moderate flow at first, and it would shed every 3 days or so. I then moved the tank and for some reason placed it under high flow, since then, it opens fully all the time and hasn't shed since. It's been 9 months now. It's growth also sped up since it's been happy.
When we first got ours, it shed every 3 or 4 days for almost a month. Since the end of May, it hasn't shed once and it's wide open whenever the lights are on, polyps fully extended.