Tonga shelf

AquaMaxx Tonga Shelf

AquaMaxx Tonga Shelf

I have been waiting to order some Tonga shelf.. Whe do you anticipate getting shelf back instock..

Thank you for your question! I've got a request in for an updated ETA from our AquaMaxx buyer. I will let you know once I hear back what the anticipated wait time may be.
AquaMaxx Tonga Shelf

AquaMaxx Tonga Shelf

I have been waiting to order some Tonga shelf.. Whe do you anticipate getting shelf back instock..

I now have word that they should be back within 1-2 weeks. If you choose the weight you are interested in from the drop-down menu on the product page, we can send you a one-time email that will notify you once they are on the website and ready to ship to you.