tons of tanks, must go, FREE!

hey id like to get some live sand and a 37gallon tank or a 20 gallon tank where is exotic aquatic located i can come pick up some stuff tomorror thanks adrian
i know! i was so bummed out, i really wanted to go to that meeting! but we had a bit of a emergency at the store. yeah im exhausted, that was a lot of work. phew.....

your best bet is to show up to the store tomorrow or thursday,

im sorry i may or may not be there, so its pretty much have to become first come first serve, theres just a ton of 15 gallon tanks left and the only 20 gallon long left is going to lacy who was the first to reserve.

but the 37's will be up for grabs hopefully tomorrow.

im sorry again guys i really am.

did anyone tape the meeting?
OK, Steve, I'm gonna run by today and do a Tank Run for the Miramar/PPines area.

I'll be getting:

(3) 15g for Reddawg
(1) 15G for me
(1) 37G Long for me
(1) 37G Long for Nick (who may be with me)

Anyone else around PPines / Miramar need a tank picked up?
Lemme know ASAP.

Steve, are you guys there anytime befroe 12 before opening? It's getting a bit late in the workday...

Heh - got any heaters? ;) It's the only thing I'm needing, and they are $$$ in the LFS's

Steve: are these tanks going to be available today when you open? Or are you still working on emptying the tanks? I was gonna haul butt up there today around 12:00-12:15 when you open, and then extrememly haul butt to work...

OK - Update.

NickInMiami and I drove up to Exotic, as I needed to pick up a repaired printer in Plantation.

I got:

(3) 15G tanks for RedDawg34
(1) 15G tank for NickInMiami
(1) 15G tank for me

I also grabbed (2) extras for anyone in the PPines/Miramar area.

There were like 2-3 left at Exotic - the 37G were notavailable yet.
Hopefully, when they are, someone can return the favor and grab me a 37G? I need a large tank for QTank for my Ich'd largish fish.

So, if you're in Miramar/Pines area (I'm near CB Smith on Flamingo and Washington) and ya need one, let me know.

Alternatively, if you went to Exotic, and they were all gone, and you need one, also let me know. The 2 are not for me, I figure I'd ride 'em down here, in case any local-to-me or Dade members wanted one. It will drastically cut down their driving time, as I can bring them to work in Miami near the airport, and can be picked up there.

I'd like to give a shout out to Steve and Rob for providing the tanks. It was most gracious of you. I will return the deed by shopping at your place soon as I get past this ich bump.

Would love to get one of the 37 gal tanks if there is one available I can pick it up and can pick up and deliver for anyone if need be LMK
Well, if you can get 'em tomorrow, get all 3: 1 for you, 1 for me, 1 for NickInMiami. I can take 2 and give Nick his.

Probably might want to call and ask Rob when to come by and get 'em. has their number.

If you need one of the 15's, let me know. i have 2 I brought over in case a S. Broward or Dade member wanted any.

No takers on the free 15g tanks from Exotic Aquatic?
Come 2 of 'em here. They're roughly 24x12x12.
They clean up REALLY nice. I'm using one as a hospital/Q-Tank for my Purple Tang and Half-and-Half Wrasse.

I don't have permanent space for 'em, got the one I needed, so someone take 1 or 2 of these babies.

Hey Tony if by the weekend no one has taken the 15g tanks...I'll get them. I will just put them in the balcony or something, I am sure they will eventually be needed.
Thanks Mel, they're OK.

I got 'em in the garage. I thought someone could use them, either out here in Miramar/Pembroke Pines, or even Dade, since I work down there.

They'll be here for whoever needs 'em. They make really fine hospital/Q-Tanks.
