I have a reef tank started with dry stones seeded with bacteria in blisters and live bacteria from natural seawater.
I started this tank at the beginning of September 2020.
It is intended for soft corals and SPS with fish.
Tota capacity of the tank: 570l
The tank itself:
- 375l (120 * 60 * 52cm) (47 * 24 * 20 inches)
- Its decanter under the tank: 165l.
- it is fitted with two 6095 Tunze mixing pumps synchronized to create a swell effect.
- it is equipped with a Red Sea RSK 900 skimmer
- a Jecod DCP 10000 recovery pump
- an Evergrow LED lighting ramp.
The fish population in the tank to day :
I indicate the adult dimensions.
5 Chromis viridis + - 8 to 10 cm
2 Amphiprion ocellaris + - 10 cm
1 Zebrabrasoma flavescens + - 15 to 20 cm
1 Pterapogon kauderni + - 7 cm
After 6 months and by feeding generously 3 times a day my NO3 and PO4 are undetectable with the Hanna photometers and with the Salifert tests.
My seller suggests that I add to "pollute" the tank:
5 Pseudanthias squamipinnis up to 15 cm adults.
What do you think of this additional population?
Thank you for your answers.
I have a reef tank started with dry stones seeded with bacteria in blisters and live bacteria from natural seawater.
I started this tank at the beginning of September 2020.
It is intended for soft corals and SPS with fish.
Tota capacity of the tank: 570l
The tank itself:
- 375l (120 * 60 * 52cm) (47 * 24 * 20 inches)
- Its decanter under the tank: 165l.
- it is fitted with two 6095 Tunze mixing pumps synchronized to create a swell effect.
- it is equipped with a Red Sea RSK 900 skimmer
- a Jecod DCP 10000 recovery pump
- an Evergrow LED lighting ramp.
The fish population in the tank to day :
I indicate the adult dimensions.
5 Chromis viridis + - 8 to 10 cm
2 Amphiprion ocellaris + - 10 cm
1 Zebrabrasoma flavescens + - 15 to 20 cm
1 Pterapogon kauderni + - 7 cm
After 6 months and by feeding generously 3 times a day my NO3 and PO4 are undetectable with the Hanna photometers and with the Salifert tests.
My seller suggests that I add to "pollute" the tank:
5 Pseudanthias squamipinnis up to 15 cm adults.
What do you think of this additional population?
Thank you for your answers.