Next Up, Fish


New member
I have the plans complete for all the equipment for my 120 gallon 4' tank. Thanks to everyone who offered me advice. I have a plan for corals but I am still trying to finalize my fish. I am looking for some feedback on my ideas. Below is a list of fish I am looking at, the number and the order I was thinking of putting them in.

Chalk Bass Serranus tortugarum 3 (I like these)
Firefish Nemateleotris magnifica 1
Sleeper Banded Goby Amblygobius phalaena 1 (Not sold on this one)
Snowflake Ocellaris Clown Fish Amphiprion ocellaris 2
Blue Gudgeon Dartfish Ptereleotris heteroptera 3
Midas Blenny Ecsenius midas 1 (This is for sure)
Pyramid Butterflyfish Hemitaurichthys polylepis 1
Dispar Anthias Pseudanthias dispar 3 (Not sure about Anthias in general)
Foxface Lo Siganus vulpinus 1 (Really want this one)
Green Reef Chromis Chromis viridis 3 (Not a gota have)
Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavescens 1 (I was told we have to have one)
Yellow Eye Kole Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus 1 (This one is my choice)
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura 3 (I like wrasses but I am not sure which ones)
Yellow Coris Wrasse Halichoeres chrysus 3

I got conflicting information so I took these two off the list but I really like them. Any feedback on keeping them with the fish above?

Coral Beauty Angelfish Centropyge bispinosa 1
Two Spot Hogfish Bodianus bimaculatus 1

Thanks for all the help
If you are considering all to add that many fish, it is too much. You should add maybe 1/3 or 1/4 of that given list. Especially since it contains some large fish that your tank would be borderline.
That's a lot of fish for that tank. In a 4ft tank I would be careful with having the Yellow tang, Kole tang, and the foxface in together. They have the same feeding habitats and aggression can take over. IMO, too many wrassses. I suggest no more than 3-4 and all males.
Curious what the feedback is on the coral beauty?

CB are a beautiful fish and fairly peaceful. Angels get a reputation for nipping at corals, while you should still be cautious I've found that as long as you keep them well fed and have some algae sheets for them to snack on then they shouldn't bother any corals.

CBs are also known as Ich magnets but as long as you perform TTM and have a good QT procedure in place after TTM is over then you shouldn't have to worry about that.
Updated list

Updated list

Ok based on the feedback I have changed the list around:

Chalk Bass Serranus tortugarum 3
Royal Gramma Basslet Gramma loreto 1
Snowflake Ocellaris Clown Amphiprion ocellaris 2
Midas Blenny Ecsenius midas 1
Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavescens 1
Blue Reef Chromis Chromis cyaneus 1
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura 1
Yellow Coris Wrasse Halichoeres chrysus 1
Linespot Flasher Wrasse Paracheilinus lineopunctatus 1
Pacific Redstripe Hogfish Bodianus sepiacaudus 1
Coral Beauty Angelfish Centropyge bispinosa 1

I might not do all three of the wrasses.

Is there any issue with the order of the fish being added?