I have a 180g display. And have a kole tang, a yellow tang, a lyretail anthia and 4 clowns. Is this too much?? I cant really think it would be but someone is.
I can't imagine that your bio-load would be too high with that number of fish, when you consider the size of your skimmer and consistent water changes. I personally think you could add a few more fish and still be fine.
I have never seen that skimmer in action before.....but is sounds like a beast.
I had 1 large blue hippo 1 large yellow a med sailfin 2 sixline wrasses a large tomato clown 3 black clowns 1 blue spot gobby and one damsel. I ran this all with a pm2 skimmer and did a 10percent wc every other week. I had no issues. I have a 220 now in there and just moved all the fish over running all the same equipment.
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