Too much light for Xenia?


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Is 216 watts of T5 Tek lighting over my 55 gallon long to intense for Xenia? Right now its thriving under my PCs of 220 watts.
Xenia will stretch under inadequate light and will recede under excessive light. They also will stop pulsing and ball up when under intense lighting for extended periods.

I have a small xenia stalk that hitched in on a Turbinaria frag that is not happy under a 150w MH. It is only about 6" from the light however.

I would think that the stalks under your T5's will do well if you place them low initially. They may even "crawl" to the top after some acclimation time?
Well right now my Xenia is about a foot away from my PCS. I am going to have to slowly acclimate my Xenia to my T5s obviously. Hopefully it will adjust.
i got xenia from a guy who had 96 watts of pc and they went into my 150 MH with no problems... i tried to acclimate them and they werent pulsing as much as when i removed the shading to work in the tank... now it went from 6 polyps attached to a rock to like 20 stalks over 2" long pulsing and growing daily...
Nice. Your probably going to have to trim yours. I heard Xenia are light lovers but not too much light right?
I have 175 watt MH and 60 watts from my pc. My lights are over a 55 gallon also. My xenia loves it and is doing great. It has been spreading to ajoining live rock and seems to enjoy the light. I don't think you'll have any problem with the lighting.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7768542#post7768542 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sammy33
Xenia will stretch under inadequate light and will recede under excessive light. They also will stop pulsing and ball up when under intense lighting for extended periods.

I have a small xenia stalk that hitched in on a Turbinaria frag that is not happy under a 150w MH. It is only about 6" from the light however.

I would think that the stalks under your T5's will do well if you place them low initially. They may even "crawl" to the top after some acclimation time?

*I have Xenia under 400 w MH 14k Hamilton growing like weeds.*

Well I guess that proves that statment wrong.
4 t5 54 wt on my 55. My xenia is 4" below the light. Grows like a weed. When I upgraded from PC to T5 I didn't even acclimate it to the new lights. I can't pull it off the rocks fast enough
I placed my Xenia in a lower centralized area of my 29g. It has, over the last few months, spread every which way to exactly where it wants to be, mostly in a 'slightly above middle' location. Inches above from what would be considered 'middle' on my tank.

Coralife Lunar Double Deluxe PC 65x2 (One 10k daylight, One Actinic)
I'm in the club of Xenia keepers with 400W halides. More specifically we're running 2x 400W 10K XM halides, and the stuff LOVES it. That being said, its also growing well in our 40 breeder which has 2x 96W PC. I can't compare apples to apples as far as growth due to light goes because in the 150 with the 400W halides, it gets quite a bit of flow, whereas in the 40breeder it gets more moderate flow.

But it grows exceedingly well in both systems.
Would you place xenia to a 24/7 lighted refugium!!I want to keep it as a nitrate controler with my macro.............
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7824094#post7824094 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tasos
Would you place xenia to a 24/7 lighted refugium!!I want to keep it as a nitrate controler with my macro.............
I have it in my fuge, but run opposite daylight hours. I also have two kinds in the main tank and it grows on my glass at the top under 250 MH's. The other day I saw this....:D I call it''"you know you are slow when....":lol:


I would not put it in 24/7 lighting. There is a process when the light is off that the Xenia grows applys certain functions only when the light is off. BTW, Xenia will not lower nitrates. Its an organic export kind of like a protein skimmer. But does not lower nitrates.
This has been my observation as well. Xenia prefers higher nutrient waters. When I ran a dsb for years, I had to trim it every week, now I have just a little bit, it doesn't pulse as much because I run a bb with a huge skimmer. Xenia just loves the dirtier water FME. Ph and lighting make a difference too. I ran mine under 250's and they grew like crazy, now under all T5 and bb, It just stays put and pulse very slowly :)