Personally I'd like to see some more BTAs. LA features many but I find Blue Zoo to be much more reasonably priced and Reef Hot Spot has many as well but their pictures are somewhat uhh... what's the right word? Aggrandized?
I would like to see more anemones in general. +1 with the ritteri im looking for one of those. I also liked the pizza anemones you had on there last week. If you get more of those in im up for them!
Hi All,
I see you guys would like MORE Anemone's. Well, good news is we just got in some really cool ones. I just picked up 2 really cool Blue with Yellow LT's, one HUGE Red Carpet, and some other really unique Green Carpets. Look for them to be posted in our Collector's Choice Department under the "Inverts" Category starting tomorrow night!
Thanks for all your inputs. We really appreciate it!
Happy reefing
-Kris Wray
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