Top off on very large tanks


New member
I have a 1200 gallon (2000 total system) tank that evaporates about 30 gallons a day. What dosing pump or other pump do people use to feed the Kalk stirrer? I am having trouble finding something with a high enough volume that is metered.

Thanks for any help.
most of the guys I know with large tanks use the LiterMeter III. I have mine hooked up to my RO/DI reservoir and then passed through my kalk stirrer.

The LiterMeter III is programmable to dose throughout the day a quantity set by you to get you to your daily evap rate. It can handle multiple pumps as well, and has several add-ons like a continuous water change module.

I also have mine controlled by an electronic float switch handled by my ACIII Pro. When the water level in the sump gets to the set point, it cuts the power to the doser. This is a redundancy I like to have. Also, I have the controller programmed to turn the doser off if the pH gets too high and when the stirrer is doing its thing. This way I can avoid over-dosing kalk or spiking the pH.