tornados and battery powered air stones.


New member
whew. the power just came back on. i was lucky enough to have bought a battery powered air pump with an air stone a few months ago. but i had to venture out to get batteries for the thing, doh.

everyone still looks happy even though the tank is pretty cloudy now. no floaters.
I bought one of those little battery powered pumps a few months ago too. When the storms were coming through, I pulled mine out to make sure I had it and some batteries, just in case. We never lost power, but I felt better that I had it here....
There are some versions, which aren't much more expensive, that you plug in and leave on. When they sense power, they stay off. When the power goes out, they automatically kick on.

When we go out of town in the summer, I set them up in the tank and leave them just in case the power goes out when a house/tank sitter isn't around.
I have battery powered airstones as well as battery powered fans for use in the summer when the power goes out. Cathy, where did you find the auto battery powered airstones that detect power failure?
IN a emergency I use a hob little filter and a ups for computers it will run that little filter for bout 10 hours! Bought it at a garage sale for like $20. UPS= uninteruptible power supply. Power goes out it kicks on
That rechargeable one is way nicer .... and more expensive than the ones I have. Mine aren't rechargeable, but that is a nice feature.

Mine are just Hagen or some such cheap brand. The non-automatics were like $6 - 10 and the automatic ones were somewhere around $15 - 18. I'm pretty sure I got them from either Dave at Kermits or from Petco.

During "Hurricane Elvis" I was out in Nevada and my neighbor was housesitting. Everyplace here was sold out of batteries and I remember paying more than the pumps cost to Fedex batteries here to run those pumps.

I really like the idea of the UPS, too.

Either one though will run out with an extended power outage. I think the simple ones with making sure you always have extra batteries are the surest bet.
This looks to be the same as a UPS, but it is built in which is handy. It is running before the power goes out and just switches to battery power when the AC goes out or the unit is unplugged. It would be nice if it could also only come on on power failure.
I have all kinds of battery powered pumps set aside for emergencies and I also use these.
crucifixes (or is it crucifi?), prayer beads, voodoo dolls??? nah, I gave religion/metaphysics up for lent years ago. jesus never was too good at restoring power fast enough. (but talk to lazarus, he might beg to differ). got me a 6000 watt Coleman gas powered generator instead, for, for just such an emergency.