Toxins other than Palytoxin


New member
Does anyone know of any other coral toxins that might bother people than palytoxin? I eliminated all my palys a year or so ago after getting strange fevers and weakness that I'm pretty sure was tied to palytoxin exposure. I've had my coral in the tank this last month seem to struggle (poor color and extension, some softies not inflating). I think it might be some toxins in the water of some kind, maybe chemical warfare. Been doing large water changes to get things improved (and they are), but I came down with a similar fever / weakness illness again right after the tank work, but don't have any palys anymore.... Not asking for medical opinions, but wondered, have any other reefers ever got "sick" from coral exposure other than palys? Trying to see if there's a connection or not..
yes, palythoas. I'm aware of their toxin issues, just wondering if other corals have caused issues with reefers as well (as I don't have palythoas anymore).
Hairy mushrooms are considered one of the most toxic. Read an article on them recently. They are apparently eaten in some countries too and if not properly cooked you'll die in a couple of days as your breathing becomes paralyzed.
All corals are cnidarians. all of whom have some form of toxin associated with them, at the very least in the nematocysts used to sting food/predators. You could be allergic to the toxin used by one of your corals, exacerbating your reaction beyond what a person who is not allergic would experience.

In addition, palytoxin has been found in other organisms besides palythoas - notably a genus of cyanobacteria.

So you could be experiencing a reaction to something that doesn't affect most people and/or you could be experiencing exposure to palytoxin, just not from palythoas. for a recent article concerning the toxin as threat to city water systems. Note that some Vibrio bacteria were found to produce a substance that reacted with an anti-palytoxin antibody.
Many leather corals will release terpenoids when stressed,etc...
Many recommend running carbon in leather coral systems in an attempt to mitigate toxicity.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I’ve started running carbon more aggressively and doing more water changes to see if I can flush the system. Corals are looking less stressed. Also starting to wear gloves while working in the tank. Hopefully this will help my health as well working in the tank! Thanks again!