Trace elements not included in the calcium reactor


New member
I'm Calcium reactor use. And There are many acroporas in the aquarium.
The media is Aragonite.
Do you have to do another dosing to get the additional effect of coloring here?
Or Are there trace elements that are not included in the calcium reactor?

I know that aragonite media does not contain iodine, iron, and strontium. Do I have to do it separately?
The fluorescing and chromo proteins corals make are a primarily a function of light intensity, spectrum and the quantity and species of zooxantheallae and availability of nitrogen and phosphate. Secondary roles of these proteins are as antioxidants and immunity related. It's important to be patient as it takes weeks to months for corals to shift their protein synthesis to new proteins. I would be very, very careful about adding additional trace elements and test to make sure they are needed first of all and if you decide to dose test to make sure you don't overdose.
I agree that the issue probably is lighting or nutrient levels, rather than a need for trace elements. Have you noticed corals losing color?

Some trace elements are said to alter coloration. Exactly what might be happening, if anything, is hard to determine. I'd work on the basics first before trying supplements. I don't think iodine, iron, or strontium are are reputed to do much for coloration, although the various stories tend to differ in the details.
I'm not aware of any clear documents out there outlining what trace elements acropora typically use for the generation of soft tissues. If using coral skeletons in a reactor, then everything needed to create skeleton will be covered but I suppose we can just hope to cover the rest needed for soft tissue and pigment development through foods, fish waste, and water changes. If there are documents on the subject they're likely way over my head anyway. There's lots of information out there though about what wavelengths will encourage the productions of different color chromoproteins and fluoroproteins. Too heavy of blues will start to mute yellows oranges and reds long term. Light in the 600-660 area is important for developing red and orange pigments. Unfortunately lights heavy in that color most people find unattractive because that will start to mute green fluorescence

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Melting coral skeleton I thought does produce strontium. Iron and iodine are not really needed for coral color from what I have read or seen personally either. A calcium reactor should give you everything needed to grow and color coral.