trade anyone?


New member
Hey guys,

I would like to pick up some colorful, beginner friendly sps. I'm not sure how well I will do so I don't want to spend big $$. I have the following to trade, if anyone is interested.


I can frag this rock or trade it whole for the right deal.


Colors don't show well in this pic. I can trade frags of the palys (blue mouth, pink face, tan skirt) and I have a small frag of the green on green aussie acan.


green with orange dots discomas


Once again...terrible pic. These green cloves have nice orange/red tips


Several small frags of the purple encrusting monti as well as a couple of zoa with green skirts, the frag shown in green and orange zoas with a polyp of fire and ice. Also a small frag of pavona and a few polyps of blue sansiba. I have a purple gorg that needs trimming too.


I am willing to frag my bambams if I am able to get to the rock.

I will try at better pics if anyone needs me to. Once again, I would love to trade for digi, birdsnest, etc

Thanks all!
I like all the zoas, the acan, pavona, green clove, and blue sansiba.
Off the top of my head I have, Bali green slimer, blue polyp monti cap, orange cap, Spiderman monti, Green turbinaria, Lary Jackson tricolor, another unidentified tricolor (was a major hit at frag swap last year), some Duncan.... green digitata, blue digitata.... all i can think of right now.


I have some capnella, pink and brown zos'a and some green and gold paly's plus a ton of purple shrooms if you want to trade.
Duke, I think I have all those already. Thanks anyways.

alovely and everyone else, I made lots of frags tonight. I will post when I know what is left.