Trade - Zoas for Monte Caps


New member
Hey guys and gals I am looking for some monte caps. I have quite a few different varieties zoas I can trade. If anybody has anything let me know. I am looking for pretty much any color - red, orange, purple, green...


Hey Ben- Long time no see. :) Hope all is well.

What else do you have lurking in that frag tank of yours? Really don't have much to offer right now as far as trade goes but if you some things your interested in selling Id be interested. Looking to get some color into my tank (your old tank), its doing great by the way. Did you ever get your DT up and running?
Hey Jay I am doing well thanks. How are you? I have a little bit of everything in the frag tank but its mostly zoas and stuff I am growing out. I am still trying to decide on a display tank and I am still working alot of hours so I am not in any hurry. I am taking my time playing with different equipment and lighting to see what I like. I am using the frag tank for a grow out tank that way I have some good size pieces to throw into my display when I have the time to set it up. Maybe we can do an online order after Christmas and get a couple nice things.
Whats up Steffen, I have all of the usual ones that I can frag right now. Tubs, AOG's. PD's, NG, Mohawks, Devils Armor, etc...
i have a frag of idaho grape. it is more of a pastel color right now but it is growing. im always up for a trade.
i don't plan on being in el paso anytime soon, but you never know. we can hook up sometime i am sure.

Eric, i have a red one also but is too small to frag. if you want a frag a little ways down the road i will hook you up.
i don't plan on being in el paso anytime soon, but you never know. we can hook up sometime i am sure.

Eric, i have a red one also but is too small to frag. if you want a frag a little ways down the road i will hook you up.

Thanks man as soon as we get this STARS Frag tank it will be easier to get new stuff. not to mention my addiction of internet coral buying will also help the club. It will also increase people's knowledge in coral husbandry.
Ok, consider it done. I get to Cruces from time to time to see my parents. If not I am sure we can meet in between somewhere. Do you know which ones you may be interested in?
This is what i have for Caps ben if you are interested. Do you mind posting up some pics of yours? Thanks

Thank you Ben. They have more of a deep color to them. Not as washed out as they look in the photos. lol

Steffen Sparks