Treasurer has been MIA


Premium Member
Sorry All,

I've just caught up reading PMs and emails and I am badly behind.

For all practical purposes, I have been out of town since July 7. I've been back in for part of each of the last two weeks and then gone again. I've been out every weekend now for 5 weeks in a row.

I just got back from Miami tonight and I think this is pretty much the last of it. I'm supposed to be out again next weekend, too but am working to get out of it.

I'm really sad to see a PM that someone was denied their Kermit's discount because I didn't have cards made in time. I was trying to email Dave a list of the people who had paid and beg for mercy to see if he'd cut us some slack, but was not able to before I left.

I apologize to anyone who has been inconvenienced. In hindsight, if I had realized that it was going to be quite this crazy I should have gotten someone else to get the membership cards ordered. But since I've never done it myself, I didn't really know how to even tell the people (B.J. and Teena) who have offered to help. Thanks to both of you.

Richard, please I need to get with you for a little more detail on the process and contact for ordering cards.

I'll get cards ordered for those who have paid dues ASAP. There are a number of you waiting for answers to PM's from me. Those will be all answered by the end of the day tomorrow.

Dave .... PLEEEEEEESE .... can I generate some kind of temporary card for people until I can get the real deal plastic ones made? I can get you some kind of security code so that you know they're legit? I don't know how fast the turnaround on the plastic cards will be.

I'm really sorry to have started out this WTMRAC year as treasurer so badly. I can and will do much better.

Again.... I'm really sorry to anyone who has been inconvenienced. This is not typical for me. I've just been buried with a relentless succession of unusual stuff.

Since there are too many PMs to answer individually tonight, just wanted to touch base with everyone and let you know I'm back and will get this all taken care of as fast as possible.

Thanks for your understanding.

Glad to have you back, hope all is well and things settle down a little. I know how much of a pain a lot of travel can be.
It's been pretty tough I will admit. It's all good stuff that has pulled me out; vacation and then business trips with good results so I can't really complain. But right now it is feeling like too much of a good thing.

I was in Miami for almost 4 days and never got out of meetings long enough to see the beach. That really stinks.

Oh well don't mean to whine. I'm really sorry that I let everyone down and will get right getting things caught up.

Thanks again for understanding. I hope the discount you were denied wasn't too big and bad.

Check your PM, please
Don't worry about it, I have not got there so I don't need a discount yet, however I will be someday. :)