Treatment advice for Wrasse with cloudy eye


I'm seeking some advice on how to treat a Black-backed wrasse with a cloudy eye.

He has been in quarantine alone since 6/29 treated with Copper Power. I reached therapeutic levels (1.85 ppm) on 7/4. He's been active and eating since day one, no erratic behavior or heavy breathing.

About two days ago I noticed the right gill a little pink, it almost gave me the impression of it being irritated but not disease stricken. It does look a little better today and the left gill is fine. I also noticed at the same time his right eye is kinda cloudy. It doesn't appear to be bulging or heavily clouded, just the beginning stages of something. His left eye is as clear as day. No white spots but there have been a couple of blemishes on top of his head above the right eye that appear white..but not specks like with Ich. So this all very well could be from an injury too.

I'd like to see if I need to alter my treatment plan to treat the eye or just let it run it's course. My treatment plan is after two weeks in copper at therapeutic levels I move them into a sterile tank for observation. During that time I'll also run a dose of Prazipro.

Anyway, give me your thoughts on how I should proceed. I'm kinda up in the air on this one.

Here some pics, albeit not very good. There's one left eye shot for comparison.



Thanks HF!

I did a freshwater dip after work today but could only go for about 2-minutes. He was breathing heavy, which is good, but then he started to list upside-down even after nudging him with my finger so I put him back in the QT. I think a small white flake surfaced but it could of been debris in the specimen container. Anyway, after I put him back in the QT he seemed fine and is active again. I'll continue to monitor him and if he doesn't get better I'll do another dip over the weekend.