Phish Lover
How come my tri-color acros, such as A. valida and A secale looked amazing when I got them but over time they have lost their blues and green polyps and turned a dark green color. Does this happen to anyone else? Why does this happen? This happens to a lot of my corals too. I have a 36x25x12 frag tank which used to have sand in it but I took it out recently to go BB. All of my parameters are at zero. I use a 20000K 250W bulb on 8 hrs a day with 2 actinic 95W actinic bulbs. Could the lights be too close of too far away? I keep them about 12" above the corals. Could it be that they were used to the environment with sand. The flow in the tank is provided by an manifold with two outlets, and 2 maxijets.