Tropic Eden Reef Flakes


New member
Hey guys I am setting up a 90 G Reef Savvy setup and need some help with substrate. I was going to order the TE Reef Flakes but they are out of stock and maybe so for a month+. Does anybody know where they may have some in-stock? I need only 2 bags or the dry stuff. If not anyone have experience with the Mini-flakes. I am just worried that they will blow around to much with decent flow. Here is a FTS of what have so far...


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I thought Premium Aquatics had them exclusively. The Special Grade reef sand from Coral Pet seems to be similar and popular as well.
Mimi flakes will be too fine if you want a ton of flow. As it it in my tank the reef flakes gets pushed around....
Yeah that's what I was afraid of with the Mini-Flakes. I was thinking of maybe going to the Grand Select which are slightly bigger but don't want the look of small rocks or not sure if my Leopard wrasse would mind the bigger pieces.
I have a bag of the Cora Pet sand left over from my 300 tank. I also have some that was used in the tank. 20.00 for the new bag and 15.00 of used for the same amount of weight as the new bag. It is clean.