Tropic Marine Pro Coral Cure


New member
Does anyone know where we can get this stuff in the US? if you do, pls post here or pm me a link to a source for that stuff. Thanks.
I've used me personally it is the same as lugol's iodine (since the TMPC is iodine). Would I purchase it again....nope, it is cheaper to get the lugol's iodine. :D JMO
Thanks for the links guys!

Somebody on the other thread about AEFW said that the TMPCC is effective in killing red bug/ AEFW and not so lethal on the corals (sps) as the Lugol. That's why i inteded to try it out. but if it's iodine then it pretty much same stuff as lugo, just less concentrated?

I have always been using Lugo for dipping and it will kill the red bugs and AEFW, but i had to be careful on the dosage since it's pretty powerful stuff!
I dip everything I got from the swap, Zoo's acros monti's and challice corals. Also a torch frag so everything lived through the dip no problems
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7009003#post7009003 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djcool563
Does the TMPC treat against red bugs?

I had few Acros infested with red bugs and it seems to kill them. You may need to do the dip twice as few of them survived the first round.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7008226#post7008226 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sps_addict
I've used me personally it is the same as lugol's iodine (since the TMPC is iodine). Would I purchase it again....nope, it is cheaper to get the lugol's iodine. :D JMO

I wanna know where I can get Lugols as cheap as the TMPCC. Assuming that TMPCC is pure lugols (which i doubt) and lugols typically comes in a 30ml bottle and TMPCC comes in a 200ml bottle, it would take almost 7 bottles of lugols to equal one bottle of TMPCC.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7013939#post7013939 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pyrrhus
I wanna know where I can get Lugols as cheap as the TMPC. Assuming that TMPC is pure lugols (which i doubt) and lugols typically comes in a 30ml bottle and TMPC comes in a 200ml bottle, it would take almost 7 bottles of lugols to equal one bottle of TMPC.

Since I don't purchase corals as often it is cheaper for me personally to get the lugols iodine. I don't get wholesale prices and so the price difference is there $11 for lugol's (more concentrated iodine) and $24 for TMPC (less concentrated as iodine by my experience).

Lugol's isn't TMPC I am sure...the chemical compounds are more than likely different....As I stated to me it is the takes less dosage of lugol's to get the same effect as the TMPC in my experience. Size really doesn't matter because it is concentration of iodine...$ for $ which is better? I don't know, but everyone can make there own personal judgement and purchase whatever they like. They have there own free will. Don't get me wrong...Tropic Marine products are great.

It may be better for others to use, but for me personally I would not purchase the TMPC again.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7015270#post7015270 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jackson6745
As far as I know Iodine will not kill AEFW.

You are correct, or at least the dosage of iodine that it takes to kill an AEFW is also typically fatal to the coral being dipped. This has been tested and documented by Eric B (I think he is the one who published the article last year on it). Not using TMPCC you are just setting yourself up for infestation. Now, I did hear from a little birdie that TMPCC is only about 90% effective against LRBs. I had previously read that it was 100%, but a reputable LFS owner told me that it is only about 90%. He still does an interceptor dip afterwards, since in his words, his reputation is worth more than the time and money to do the extra dip :)