Trouble deciding on which camera to buy


New member
I've always been a P&S kind of girl, but now I'm ready to exlore the world of DSLRs. I've been thinking about Nikon's new D3100. It's about what I want to spend ($700 with a kit lens). I picked one up and it felt pretty light and comfortable. I tend to shy away from used equipment, perhaps an irrational bias. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Angie, I had trouble deciding too. The reason I didn't go with the D3100 is that I needed a camera in early September, and it wasn't out. Instead, I bought the Sony Nex-5. I really really like it. I bought it with the understanding from the vendor, that if I didn't like it, when the D3100 came out, I could exchange it, with no restocking fee within 30 days. Well, I decided to keep it :) I really like it, it's an easy to use camera. It takes great tank shots, and it is just as easy as any P&S... Granted, it's not a true DSLR it's a micro 4 thirds or whatever.... It's smallish, and it does have interchangable lenses. The negatives? I bought the kit with the 15-55mm lens, and it has met my needs well. I also ordered the 16mm, but it's STILL on back order!!!!!! Also, Sony has announced a 18-200mm lens, but it's out of stock everywhere, and it's $700!! You can buy an adapter to use lots of other lenses, but, you loose alot of the auto focusing, and intelligent settings.

If I had it to do over.... I'd still have gotten the NEX-5 :)

I like the portability!
I would recommend going with a Canon or Nikon. I bought a Sony a300 on impulse a while back and ended up selling it because of lens limitations. Even though they are compatible with older Minoltas, the lenses just seemed hard to come by.

I ended up with a Nikon D80 (yes, a couple years old) and absolutely love it in comparison to the Sony. New and used lenses are so much easier to find...along with aftermarket goodies you might like to have. The beauty in used lenses is that it doesn't hurt so much to spend money on one even if you think you won't use it often...such as a Macro (Nikon calls them "Micro" for whatever reason), and Canon/Nikon lenses are all over the place. Look at CL for example. You'll find FAR fewer lenses for a Sony than you would a Canon/Nikon.

The kit lens (18-55VR) that came with my D80 is likely the same one the D3100 comes with. It's my favorite all-rounder because it's light, has a decent range, and takes some very sharp photos given that it's a kit lens.

Getting into a DSLR is much like a reef tank. Lens lust can quickly become a serious problem. :P

My advice would be to pick up more than one camera body and find one that you like the "feel" of. Look through the view finders and compare them. Put the strap around your neck and have a feel on how it will be to carry around. Do some research on Camera forums and inquire about the kind of shooting you'll be most likely to do...and ask about lenses.

If you really want to get into photography, a DSLR is a nice investment...and even if you use the "auto" function often while learning more advanced features, you'll be pleased with the results.