Trouble Shooting Lighting Setup

I just tested and here are the results.

Line voltage to each ballast is: 110v

Control voltage to each ballast is:

Ballast 1 100%=10v 50%=10v 1%=10v
Ballast 2 100%=10v 50%=5.5v 1%=1v

Guess there is my dimming on ballast 1 problem. Now, is it the EVG or something else?

Tonight I was going to try replacement line, just for the halibut, although it tested the same so I want to say the line is good.
I measured at the EVG and at the ballast with same results. Those voltages are coming right out of "ballast 1 + -" control on the EVG. I will pull the lines and test as well today.

Last night, I wired both control lines with brand new wires with same results.
This I will also try this today. "Burning-in" is still active, but it is as well for Ballast 2, which is currently dimming. The bulbs I am testing with are old, so are definitely "burned-in".

So I assumed "burning-in" active was not a factor, but would only override the "Illumination Duration" settings until the "Operation Hour" reached the set "burn-in". Is this correct?
That was it. Everything tests like it should at each percentage. At some point, playing with the software to learn, I must of reset the operation hours only on "illumination 1". Now I do know that "burning-in" overrides everything. I thought "Activate Manual Illumination" to test would override even "burning-in", but this wasn't clear to me from anywhere I looked. Guess I know now. Kidney and I were close to the same solution, but I must of lost translation some where.

Thanks for the help.

When you get this, a question I haven't heard back from is volt settings for the Tunze 6055? It has been suggested for the Tunze 6101 to use 3-8volt. Should the 6055 also use 6-8 or leave at 1-10 volt?

Thanks again.
Sorry about that. Thats what I was referring to above. I think I assumed "Activate manual" would override everything.

Any input on the Tunze 6055? 3 - 8 v or 1-10......
I have a bunch of questions. I'll list all, on the top of my head, but re-list if it gets too jumbled.

1) Now installed, with burn-in understood, if I plug EVG directly into ProfiLux ballast 1 doesn't work. If I use splitter connector everything works fine. Ideas? Don't really need the extra length.

2) Illumination 3 is set to Blue/White LED. Currently using defaults in software which have start 4am duration 180 0% and 7pm duration 180 100%. What does this have to do with Moon Phase simulation? Which I also set to I3 and programmed as deep blue. Does the simulation override any settings set in Illumination 3, so I really wouldn't need it scheduled?

3) From answer to 2 above, I want to try and run LED's during daytime to see if I can get some shimmer.

4) Any suggestions for Sunrise / Sunset settings? Illumination 4 by default is empty which I have set to Red.

5) The Tunze 6055 have volt settings on the power module from 12v to 24v. I am assuming they are like the 6101 which had a separate setting for flow. Is this the same where 24v will give it the total capacity flow of 1300+?

Thanks for the help.