Try 2 at fluorescence


Active member
With smoq's input, I tried again. I think this is much better. Thanks smoq!










Much more than just a setting, it is a whole approach. There is a thread elsewhere detailing who to do this.
No problem Waldo, insane shots. And as you said, it's not any particular setting one need to learn, it's a whole trail and error kinda thing. I love how you isolated your subjects in those photographs btw
i know its not just a setting thing i read that thread and it seems like you use a blue filter or gel on the flash and a yellow filter on the lens but I'm sure you were shooting manual so my question is what did you set your aperture at as well as your shutter speed and was your iso set at 200, 400, or 1600 thats what i mean by settings. thanks
@frankyrivera If I remember correctly, I used an aperture of about f/11, ISO400. Shutter was immaterial as I used flash.
Those turned out great. The multiple mushroom shot is probably my favorite. The contrast in colors works brilliantly.
do you use a filter ? or just play with the RAW image after ?

what flash lighting did you use ? yellow ? green ?

Thanks. I am using Lightroom. @Allmost - the details are in these threads... Yellow / Purple filters.