trying to find a previous thread


New member
A couple of months ago I remember seeing someone here with a build thread who used this modular I believe it was to make shelving units but instead they used it to make the lighting rack. It was a set and you would cut the aluminum square metal tubing to the desired length and it had end pieces that were 90 degree elbows and T's so that you could make corners and other turns as well. Does anyone remember this build or am I just going crazy? If someone remembers it can you please let me know who's it was or post up the link, I am getting things ready to build my aquarium and wanted to check out what they used to see if it would work or not. Thanks for any help you guys can give me.

The stuff is called EZTUBE. I will be revising my light rack in the future and will be using this stuff too.

Here is link to brief thread from one of the RC members Glassreef.

Here is the full thread on his build.. Page 3 and 4 get into the details of his light rack build.

Also, if you do a forum search for EZTUBE, you will find other threads. Another good search term is Actuator or Linear Actuator