TS24 kit & waterflow


New member
I asked this in the equipment forum, and then found out there is a Tunze forum, so here is the question again:-

I've just rcvd my Tunze 6100 x 2 plus multicontroller

I am getting a little cold feet regarding water flow. These two powerheads provide 3500 gph each, combined with my return of 750 gph, I will have a minimum of 4250 gph (if Tunze are used in alternating patterns - one on and one off at any interval). Is this too much waterflow for a 75 gallon ? (56 times tank turnover as a minimum upto 100 times turn over maximum - if all pumps are used at once)

I know you can turn the power down on these pumps from the controller, should I be doing that?

Yes, this is too much. You should get 2 6000's and the 7095 controller. The only way this will work is if it is bare bottom SPS only.
Tks Roger,

Unfortunately I have already received the 2 X 6100 (TS24 kit) and it is too late to change.

I did note on the manual that you are able to turn down the output to a minimum of 30%, wouldn't that reduce the flow to about 1000 gph for each pump, and make them workable for my tank with a DSB ? Also the controller seems to allow for a reduction in power output, can I combine both settings to reduce follow to a workable output for my setup?

You know you could buy just the transformers for the 6000 and downgrade them or even find someone here to trade with. Running them constantly at low power kind of takes away most of the point of having the elextronic controllable pumps. The controller automatically overrides any driver setting.
My problem is that this setup is 230 volt system (purchased from UK). So I guess I have two options:

1) Either buy two new 6000's and store the 6100, to be used all together on my new 240 gallon (ETA 3 years). In this case do I just buy two 6000's and attach them to my controller?


2) Downgrade exisiting pumps. Can you give more details on this option as I would have to order the parts for 230 volts - most probably UK and hence want to be sure I got everything right.

Really appreciate your help.

I would go with option 2 and then when you get a bigger tank you already have the parts. The transformer is the only difference between the pumps. The 6000 transformer is spare part 7210.202.

I saw this part on your website (7210.202)

"Transformer 12V/20VA 230V $US 34,94" It mentions that it is a 230 V, so will this work with my European 230 v set-up, or will I have to order it from the UK distributor?

I am unsure, if your unit has a euro plug you could order this one. If it has a UK plug I would get it from the dealer or direct from Tunze and they will likely be sure you get the correct unit. UK plugs have the fuse inside and are actually 240V but you probably knew that.
Tks for all yr help.

I will order htis part (The plug is not important - it's only the voltage that matters).

I will bother you again when these parts arrive to talk about positioning them in the Tank, and best settings for my set-up :-)

Tks again.
Hi Roger,

I have rcvd my 6000 transformer downgrade, so now I have a TS12 i/o TS24, which should solve the 'over-adequate' pump problem :rolleye1:

As i promised before, i will be needing your help again as to proper placment of the two pumps.

I have drawn a rough sketch of my 75g aquarium (showing LR) with posible vertical (A-H) and horizontal (1-12) locations. In this respect, can you pls give me you advice on placment.

I would like to keep the viewing area on the left unobstructed if possible.


Here's a pic of the Aquarium to give you a better idea.

(i plan removing all other pumps - except return :rolleyes: ) - may keep Ehime with Bioflo rotator - if necessary.


Tks Again
I would put 1 at 3 and 1 at 7 and use whichever interval mode seems to work best for your corals with 3-6 hr intervals.
How about vertical placment ? F, G or H.

And should they be facing forward at points 3&7 or angeled towars each other a little.
