TS24 or 2 6000s w/multi controller?


New member
I'm getting ready to set up a 180 AGA over the next few weeks/months. I was planning on doing a closed loop but opted to go with a pair of Tunze Streams for several reasons. The only thing I liked about the closed loop was the level of control, but with a multi-controller that shouldn't be an issue.

Okay, to my question. I plan on keeping mostly SPS. There will probably be a couple LPS near the bottom of the tank with some clams. I plan to have more open space with a pair/few medium sized piles of rocks as opposed to the rock wall. Long term, I plan to have fewer, larger colonies as opposed to the garden look. I will be using a return pump in the range of an Iwaki MD-40 or 70 (or something similar). So what's the thought on which one to go with? I'd like to order them soon so I can get in line if I have to wait for them.

Thanks in advance.
I would get the TS24. You will likely need to start with it turned way down but as things adapt and grow in it will be the better choice for SPS. Pumps seem to be shipping at a better pace now, hopefully it will be about 4 weeks wait.
No, you just purchase them seperate. I pushed for such a kit but in all honesty kits have no discount and the logic was for most set ups a single 6100 was cheaper and as effective as 2 6000's. In reality though different inhabitants and layouts can make it a better choice to use 2 6000's. The kits are just for simplicity of ordering and to illustrate in the catalogue the potential combinations and uses.