Tubbs Blue and Bam Bam


New member
I have these in my 24 gallon and both are confusing me in terms of their health. About 6 months ago they started to shrink so I decided to make little egg create platforms and put them about 4" from the surface of the tank. Their health and growth would improve and I would move them down again, but their growth would start to struggle. Do these guys need higher light int? I just have a regular Aquapod with 2 x 36 watts. What about current requirements?

thanks for you help!
I have both of those but I have MH and I had them near the surface and at bottom and they always thrive for me but like I said I have 250 MH.
I keep my bam bams under 150w mh in the middle of a 24 inch deep tank. Bought a 3 polyp frag 3 months ago and have 4 new polyps. Maybe your water perams are off a bit. Can you post them please?
Depending on if your parameters are correct you should be fine with your bam bams... I have mine a little over half way to the top of my tank with halides and they are doing fine, but at one time they were growing slow and that was shortly after I upgraded my skimmer. My suggestion is your tank my be too clean and some zoas thrive better in a dirty tank... So i shut my skimmer off every once in a while and let me other smaller skimmer run for a little bit, which seems to help the balance. I am not saying shut ur skimmer off until your water turns yellow but sometimes it helps...

Do you dose any 2-Part?In my opinion zoas need stable parameters.Keep your calcium around 380-420ppm,Alkalinity around 2.5-4 meq/L(7-11dKH),and your mag around 1250-1350ppm.I dose a tsp of part1&2 on M-W-F.(AP24).It keeps my zoas happy.They're under MH's though.But I see plenty of happy zoas under pc's.I've also heard of a lot of people losing Bam Bams.They're either growing or dying.It's hit or miss with them.Tubbs tend to grow fairly easy.