tubbs blue

where ever I put them I get the constant nice blue color on the disk. they grow well and fast, do not morph ( from several colonies I've had through out the years )... used to sell them for 3-5 PP, less if they get a bunch or in a pack. That's when I used to sell though.
People still love them in my area. I have a good sized colony and wouldn't think of fragging it even though a lot of folks ask.
tubbs are expensive up here.....in the $10 pp range.....which im sure will change once they get out there and more people have them for sale....
i am in so california.lots of people have them here,witch makes the price go down.but they have great color and realy stick out in a reef tank.
I agree...pretty variable in price...I've seen them for $10pp, but $20 for 4 probably about right with colonies as low as $3-4
my question is are tubbs blue still "cool" and how much a polyp are they going for now

Tubbs blue are awesome. I love the color and I would highly recommend them. I have over 54 different zoas in my tank and I seem to always catch a glimpse of my tubbs when I admire my tank, which is about every hour when possible.
I've always likes the look of tubbs blue as well. For some reason they are a little harder to come by in my area. Not impossible, but I definitely don't see them every time I make my way to the LFS.
Here are mine, sell some every now and then. i sell them for $3 a polyp.

my question is are tubbs blue still "cool" and how much a polyp are they going for now

I think all of them are cool. If you're asking if it is cool enough to buy, I think only you can answer that. Whatever they are, I just picked up a 2 inch frag with 29 polyps for $ 25 last Thursday. And some are paying $ 10 + a polyp for them?I don't believe in buying or selling zoas or palys by the polyp. This polyp is one of the most common polyps on the market.

Mucho Reef

Here's mine I bought 1 week ago for $30. It has 32+.

You tell me whats cooler??? Paying less than $1 pp, or the $15 I spent on the Armor of God next to the Tubbs???

I say Tubbs all the way!
And I think it's very cool, so it is... :lol2:

(bad pics, best I have for now...)

I got a bunch of corals from a friend that unfortunatly passed away last year.
here is one of them. it was pure white and closed for months but is doing well now.
I have been unsure what this is does it look like tubbs?
I got a bunch of corals from a friend that unfortunatly passed away last year.
here is one of them. it was pure white and closed for months but is doing well now.
I have been unsure what this is does it look like tubbs?

look like Tubbs.....Hard to tell here.... (so close and flashed???) is that a slight green ring around some of the mouths???

Go on www.zoaid.com , look at the gallery and ID from there.

If they're not Tubbs, maybe sour apples??? Dunno...