Tubs Blue's haven't opened in 3 weeks, need help!


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So before I did my redbug treatment a couple of weeks ago my Tubs started to close pretty much one at a time. Now all of them have been closed for 3 weeks or more and are starting to lighten at the stalk areas. I wasn't as concerned until the lightening started because I'm afraid that might mean that they are gonna start dying. I've had them for around 4 months and they were doing fine and spreading until they started closing. All of my other corals look good and my SPS's have recovered nicely. My params are all within normal limits.
The only thing that I can really think of is maybe some other preditor/irritant is bothering them because I did see my kiwi zoa colony is closed today and has a playground of pods on it and I saw a "spider" looking thing-it was hiding, so I could only see 2 of it's legs and they looked just like clear spider legs about 1/2cm long (any ideas?), but I haven't seen anything on the tubs. I did dip the tubs in Lugals solution the other day just to make sure there wasn't any fungal infection or anything trying to take hold of them, but I didn't see anything come off in the dip.
I could put them in the nano, but would that stress them more by having to acclimate to a different tank?
Thanks for any help!!!
These are two suggestins, but only shots in the dark...

move the blues to somewhere else in the tank, preferably with a little less light. See if that helps them open up.

think about getting a mandarinfish to keep the pods in check. I've seen pods irritate my zoas to the point that they close. I got a spotted mandarinfish, and now he's fat and happy and i don't see any pods crawling all over my polyps anymore.

Just a couple of suggestions. I'm no zoa expert, but I have a bunch so i'm always watching them.