Tunze 3152 Osmolator issue..

Reef This

Premium Member
I bought a the unit probably, a year or so ago, and the little black box, control unit - I'm assuming it has some sort of relay in it when the sensor is tripped, the relay opens and allows the pump to turn on?

Well whatever is inside the little control unit, is clicking, like a stuck relay. Consequently the pump won't turn on. The little unit will sit there and click and click and click.

Is there a way to reset this? Or do I need a new control unit?
I would first try unplugging it and plugging it in, it may do this if the safety timer was exceeded and cycling the power will reset this. The other possibility is the pump has failed causing an overload. It would be under warranty unless the controller got wet.
I have power cycled it a few times. still no dice. How can I find out if it's the pump or the unit? I don't want to get a new pump and that not be the problem.. Lol

Unfortunately the only way is to replace the pump and see if that does it. You could send it to my by Priority Mail for $5.25 (small flat rate box), just send only the controller, power supply and pump (no magnet holder) and I will find the issue and replace the bad part under warranty.

Tunze USA
2121 Cole Springs Rd
Buda TX 78610
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