Tunze 6025 and 6045


Active member
I have a aquapod 24g; and run a 6045 and 6025 on the tank. Should I run 2 6025's and take out the 6045? If to 6025 can I purchase the 6025 shrod off your website and put on the 6045?

Also could I use a 6055 on a controller in the 24G aquapod. I mostly have sps around the top and middle; acans and favies on the sand; and a couple of LPS near the sand.

Thanks again
The 6055 would be ideal because you can vary the flow from about 250gph- 1450gph. The 6025 shroud doesn't fit on the 6045. I see no reason to change what you have unless you are having a problem with too much flow. A single 6055 with a 7091 would be a very nice upgrade.
I have a frogspawn and lobo coral along the bottom of my tank. My frogspawn want open up that much because to much flow is making it move around. Same thing with my lobo. Can't move anywhere else cause coral is either to big or will touch another coral that it will kill and sting.
The 6055 will give you a lot of adjustment capabilities, you might also try placing your pumps low in the tank and angling them upwards.