tunze 6045 unable to "clip" properly


Active member

unable to secure it after cleaning up
is this a common problem?
afraid forcing it to clip might break the wavemaker

That is an older front housing, early on we had a problem with the US cord, it was thicker than the other cords and the housing was routered out by hand to make a larger notch for the cord, but this didn't always work do to the tension of the strain relief bushing where the cord meets the pump. This housing has since been changed to have a deeper notch. PM me your name and address and I will send one.
You need part 6045.130, your distributor or Tunze in Germany should be able to send you one under warranty if you contact them. They are closer to Singapore then we are and can likely just send it by mail or DHL. Alternatively, you could just use a small file and file the notch a little deeper.