Tunze 6055 Question


Premium Member
I have 2 Stream 6055 power heads connected to a 7094 controller, one of the heads stopped working so i was playing around and unplugged the cord from the power supply. When i did the one not working started, so both are running off of one supply. I believe these supplies power the controller which powers the heads, correct? So, is it bad to run both heads off of one power supply? Is the flow downgraded by doing this?
Both pumps are powered independently by their power supply. The pump plugged into socket 1 powers the controller. It should not be possible for a controller to power a pump, the controller only gets 8V and is only modulating a signal to the pump. Is it possible you confused the cord for the controller with with the one for the power supply?
Your right, the 6055's are both plugged in to the supplies. I have one supply unplugged from the controller. When i plug it in to the controller it stops.