Tunze 6085s


New member
I have four Tunze 6085s in my tank that are less than a year old. Some of them often run backwards when they are restarted and chatter upon start. They make quite a bit of noise also. When I cleaned them, I noticed that the tip of the propellers were chipped off. I guess this from the unit attempting to run backwards. A couple of questions:

1. Possible causes?
2. Is this covered by warranty?
3. Is it possible to get just the propellers replaced?


They start backwards because the propeller ends are broken. They will normally make noise on start up, they have a mechanical direction correction where the prop hits the front cover and stops if it spins backwards, which they usually will as this is the path of least resistance, the swoop down on the ends of the inside of the crosshatch is what hits the prop. This pump is meant for continuous on use and should not be used on a wavemaker, they can be switched off and on with a timer but should not be switched off and on more than once every 15 minutes.

The causes could be either a defect in the individual propeller, they are graphite reinforced plastic and in some cases the graphite accumulates in areas and forms weak spots because there is not sufficient plastic reinforcement. Rapid cycling by a wavemaker will also cause this.

So long as a wavemaker wasn't used it is covered under warranty, we would send just the propellers.
Tunze 6085s

Thanks for your response. They are definitely not on wavemakers. How would I go about getting the propellers replaced?

