Tunze 6200 stream


New member

I have been running two Tunze 6200 on their controller for about a year now. Within the past three days both "drives" have broken. I have ordered the new parts, however, I can see no reason why they broke in the first place.

I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and is there something I can do to avoid the problem in the future.

Even Tunze streams have to be cleaned fairly regularly...especially in tanks that use Ca reactors and/or drip kalk. Did you talk with Roger over in the Tunze forum?




Thanks for the reply. Yes I do clean them offten, there is no signs of any type of build up on the drive line or anywhere else.

I haven't made a post on the Tunze form but will do that. The part is only 7.00 but then I added overnight mail. The big thing is the losted circulation.

MPETERS, can you provide pictures so I can try to figure out what has happened? Their could be so many causes but usually if they ran a year it is not to likely for it to be a defect. This can happen from an impact or because the bearing shell came loose and sawed through the shaft as it spins.



I can sure try, but will have to wait till the weekend, also have never posted pictures before.

If this helps at all the white shaft where the screw goes is what broke. It is a ragged break so I don't think anything cut it.

FWIW, the Wavebox pump has the same diameter outlet and their is a screen on it, I have screens in stock for this and this would prevent another such incident, as an alternative if you have the 7095 multicontroller you could use interval II so the pump never turns off so their is no down time for anything to enter the pump. A jagged break is usually going to be caused by a snail or something entering the pump. A smooth break is from a manufacturing issue where the tabs of the bearing shell came free and the piece gets sawed through.



I don't think it was a Manufacturing problem. I am wondering if there is some maint., besides cleaning, that I am not doing. It just seems strange that after a year they dicided to break within two days of each other. I am looking forward to getting the parts to fix them and get them up and running, have been very happy with the flow they add.

No, I think a break like that would be likely to be caused by an impact like stomatid snails or some smaller astrea, cerith, baby turbo, something like that getting in their when the pump had some down time. Actually nassarius and stomatids are the usual culprits becuase they can cruise in and out in very little time and be gone by the time the damage is noted.



I can't get a good picture of the broken parts, please email my our address and I will send them to you.

At this time I don't have a lot of snails in the tank and most of them are large turbo's, I guess anything is possible.

I did receive the first drive line and replaced the broken one, hopefully the other one will be in today.

Thanks for all your help



Sorry for the delay, but when I get back to work after a few days off it is a zoo.

I have added the parts to the 6200 and get them running again. Thank you for all your help.