Tunze 9002 tuning


New member
Just received and installed my new Tunze 9002 in my RSM 130. It seems to skim way better than the stock RSM and way quieter. How do you know when you have it dialed in? Is it the color of the skimmed material or is it quantity.
How long should it take to be at optimum performance before you fine tune it.
I would give it a day or two before you make any adjustments, the skimmate should be about the color of iced tea, though it could be green tea colored if a lot of algae is present or algae based foods are used. Adjust it in small 1/8 to 1/4 turn increments and wait a day between adjustments.
So it is the color that defines when it is tuned properly? What happens when you close off the air vent to far?
You will get a thicker/darker skimmate, the drawback of this is it will cake on the riser tube and restrict further skimming and it removes less organic matter than wetter skimmate. Not so much the color, but the clarity, it should look like tea, not much darker, color is largely a matter of what is being skimmed, it will be green when algae is present, white with sediment or brown in most situations.