Tunze 9010

I have my 9010 in my sump. The area it is in has about 14 inches of water so i made a stand for it. I had it in about 10 inches of water and it wasnt working so i raised it up, much to high i guess because it got really loud and really didnt do much at all. I lowered it so it was in about 8 inches of water and it skimmed, but not much. Also, the water doesnt come out of the stand pipe, instead it comes out of a hole thats in the back of the skimmer body. Why is that hole there? Do i need to plug it? IF i put my finger over the hole, then the water comes out of the stand pipe.
Water should exit both the hole and the stand pipe, the loud noise was do to the low internal water level, but if it was working correctly there would be no noise and it would work with anything from 4-10" of water. The hole is there because water serves as the gasket for the cup, about an inch of water is around the cup and the back pressure forces the foam up the cup, in this way we avoid needing a union or oring and the cup is easy to remove. The hole is a relief to keep the water at the correct height for this function. If water does not exit the pipe one of two things is wrong.

1) The bottom plate is the wrong one or is not on all the way or is on backwards. The bottom plate used should be the one with the suction cup feet, it must be on all the way, it has a beveled edge that should face the front.

2) The coupler between the pump and front of the skimmer is not installed or is not over the pump intake correctly. The round hole must fit over the pump intake. This coupler pressurizes the skimmer so it doesn't recirculate its own water and must take in new water from the sump. It is part 9010.400 (sleeve below cover)
Ok so im using the right bottom. It is on and snapped in and the bevel is to the front. There is play in it though. The front moves alot, even though its very well snapped in. When i pull it out of the water, water just pours out the front bottom plate. I think this may be the problem.
The cover does not really clip in, but it must be in the proper position against the back of the skimmer, I would suggest holding it in place while you position the skimmer, it is not water tight by any means, it should not be bowed down by the pump though. If the pump is bowing it down the pump is not in all the way. Also make sure the coupler is installed.