Tunze Chiller


I am trying to find information about a Tunze chiller. There is nothing on the Tunze website about it which is really weird. I can't seem to find anyone who has actually owned or that does own one. For some reason, I am intrigued by them and want to learn about them and their operation. Online dealer have very basic and general info.

I don't understand why something that is supposed to be so great, is so dificult to find info on, or someone that actually owns one. Can anyone help me with this???
It is something we only offer in the US at this time. They are made by Hughes Refrigeration in Kansas. We are working to offer them worldwide, but until we have a 230V version and a feasible method of shipping and return/repair service in the rest of the world, it is only a US product and not on the website. I can email you a manual, if you can run a search on the site you will find a half dozen or so posts about them. PM me your email address.
I have seen at least 1 comment suggesting that you should run it outside because it makes a mess with the overspray; do you find this to be true?

If you run it indoors how do you handle the additional humidity generated from the evaporative cooling?
It is not an evaporative cooling unit and there is no overspray, I think you are confused with the Deltec units. Our chiller is a standard compressor/refrigerant based chiller.
Oh, sorry, I think you may be correct (reading too many chiller reviews, brain overload)
I am running one and it was a replacement for an Aqualogic inline unit. It is far more machine for the same rating so to speak. Chiller is a work horse.
I ended up going with a Trade Winds 1/2 HP Super. I called Hal there today to discuss my application and that I wanted to place the unit outside. This was the only manufacture that I talked to that makes their units okay to place outdoors without having to find a weather box or shelter. They can handle most outdoor climates, so I don't have to worry about trying to find an outdoor box or building a shelter. They have a 2 year warrantee, and for $90, it extends to 5 years. Even if this unit is used in the outside elements, the warranty still stands. That was great news, and they are made here in the USA. I should have it here late this week.