Tunze Comline 3166


New member
Hi Roger!

I'm thinking of getting the Tunze Comline 3166 internal filter for my 95G reeftank. I have got a really persistant film on my surface, that just won't go away. I've got 2 Stream 6000's, 1 Turbelle Electr. 7400 and the new multicontroller 7095 :D . In case you guys are wondering about the 7095 - I live in Austria - and received it yesterday :bounce3: .
Unfortunately the Comline internal filter isn't all that popular here in Austria and our neighbouring Germany.
I would want to link up my 7400 with the filter, will it be powerful enough to suck down all the rubbish, that's floating on the surface?
Thought the comline filter series is more popular on your side of the pond?

Thanks in advance!
The 3166 has a maximum flow capacity of about 650 gph. The 7200/2 is the biggest pump we recommend. You could use the 7400/2 but you will have to run a lower power to not make a lot of microbubbles. I would imagine the surface suction will be very good and you should have no trouble to remove the surface film.
Thanks for the fast answer!
I'll order it this week. I'll report about it as soon as I get it and receive my 7400 back from repair.