Tunze controller choice


New member
110 gallon tank. I'm thinking about using 4 Tunze powerheads (2x 6095 and 2x 6055) on lower power setting (around 60%). I want temperature control and i want to dose 3 elements (Kh, Mg, Ca).

Is there a Tunze controller that can handle all this. Which doser is best to go with this controller?
At this time the 7000 has no capability for dosing, the timed outlets only allow 2 on and off times.
So if i go with 7097 controler, i can connect all 4 pumps on it and control them?
Is 7097 better then 7096 jist because of the internal clock or does it have any other improvement?

Internal clock is probably good if i want to reduce the flow during night?
If i understand correctly 7000 model can control 4 pumps and can measure water temperature at the same time? 7097 doesnt have water temperature feature?