TUNZE controller setting for T24


New member
I just got my 7095 w/2 6100 pump and cant figure out which is the best setting for the tank.

I have the pumps on each end of my 180g show tank 6ft wide 30" tall what is the recommended setting
Their really is no ideal way, it is a matter of tril and error and what works for you. I would start with using interval 2 and set the interval at 6 hrs and the pulse at 3 seconds with pulses of 30-100%.
Thanks for the reply.

What does this do? right now i have the interval on 1
and the stream seems to strong.
How do i change it to 6 hours and when doing this does that mean only one pump will be on for 6 hours and then change over to the other pump?
Also I have the Moon light and night mode on but it doesnt seem like the pumps slow's down. could i be setting the dails incorrectly?
Yes, only one pump will run at a time. You use the two pump speeds to slow it down, set one at say 70% and the other at 30% so it can pulse. The pumps will turn down to whatever the bottom knobs are set on when the night (darkness) comes. Having the features on means they will come on when it actually gets dark.